Payment Processing

The Monopoly Of Visa And Mastercard In Payment Processing

Derek Abram
CEO of Prio
5 minutes


In the world of payment processing, Visa and Mastercard reign supreme, wielding significant influence over the industry. This monopoly presents a range of challenges for both consumers and merchants, with implications that touch on economic, competitive, and regulatory spheres...

1. Market Dominance and High Swipe Fees

Visa and Mastercard's collective control of roughly 90% of the global payment processing market outside China empowers them to set market prices and fees. The rise in swipe fees, which have doubled over a decade, resulted in merchants facing $126 billion in processing fees in 2022—a 20% increase from the prior year. Such costs inevitably trickle down to consumers, particularly impacting budget-conscious individuals, including seniors and students...

2. Anti-Competitive Practices

Historical use of restrictive contracts has allowed Visa and Mastercard to solidify their market position. The lack of competitive alternatives forces merchants' hands, while deliberate agreements with potential rivals, like Apple and PayPal, thwart the advent of competing services. Such practices stymie competition and maintain the status quo...

3. Impact on Small Businesses

Small businesses bear the brunt of disproportionate swipe fees compared to their larger counterparts, deepening existing competitive imbalances. This financial strain curtails the ability of small businesses to invest in growth, thus limiting their service offerings to customers...

4. Regulatory Scrutiny

The Department of Justice's antitrust lawsuit against Visa exemplifies regulatory efforts to challenge the company's hold on the market. Additionally, legislative measures, like the Credit Card Competition Act, aim to mitigate market dominance and exorbitant fees by fostering competitive conditions in payment processing...

5. Consumer Costs and Price Inflation

The pervasive nature of Visa's influence in debit card transactions adds billions in consumer costs, affecting nearly every purchase that Americans make. This translates to price hikes across the board, with the gravest impact felt by those least able to afford it. The resulting consumer burden invites scrutiny from legislators and advocacy groups alike...


The dominance of Visa and Mastercard in the payment processing realm is fraught with challenges that extend from inflated fees to restricted competition and economic disparity for small enterprises and consumers. However, increased regulatory scrutiny and legislative efforts seek to dismantle this stronghold, advocating for a more competitive and fair market landscape. As these initiatives unfold, the future may offer promising changes for stakeholders across the industry...

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